Tuesday, February 17, 2009

pHarmacist daH starT buaT ubaT~

Today, 17/2/09, we had done our 3rd and 4th drug for this sem..First we have done our drug for antisephtic then drug for ...........(forgot already), and today we done another two drug that is drug for antiimflammatory and antibiotic and the one that I attached some pic here is the drug for skin (itchy n etc)



Weight the zinc oxide, ZnO and aqua cream (calculate the formulation first)

Triturate the zinc oxide powder in the mortar and pestle.
Align Center

Levigate the zinc oxide powder and the aqua cream bit by bit and homogeneously.

This is the product or the cream that are ready to be used~

PresenTaTion physioLogy~


hmm..at last!!abes gak presentation physio tuh..mula2, miss ckp presentation ari khamis(12/2/09)..pastu ari khamis tu x smpt pulak dah nk abeskan sumer grup..so grup aku wat smlm(16/2/09)..x kesah larr..yg pntg aku da settle presentation..radio drama pun da anta..assignment biochem da anta..skang tggl lab report organic (ada 2 lg..ngee) ngan lab work intro...hehe~n yg plg aku x ske!!! FINAL EXAM !!!huwaaaa~wish me luck n.....pray for me 2 b 'rajen'...hahax~

agak cuak gak psl presentation neh~

aku da settle apa lg...snap r~haha

p/s:confession from me...b'coz of dis presentation I t'skip my Asar..adoiyshh..x sdar lgsg..tau2 da

maghrib..n my turn to present!!huwaaa~


Thursday, February 12, 2009


oh my!!I'm totally done..With radio drama that is still unsettled, re-test dis saturday, final exam next week, biochem assignment....huwaaaa...i'm scared that i wanna vomit!!owh..i've no voice rite nowb'coz of accidentally inhale the smoke of cigarette by people at the cafe..Owh..i'm totally done!!dis monday is my physiology presentation!How am I going to talk??oh MY!!

hmm..I'm so dizzy rite now..U know, I didn't sleep last nite??Eh,umm..i did sleep for about 2 hours..but I'm wake up every 30 min coz worried with my radiodrama..And now I've to get ready for morning class..TUTORIAL!!I've got to go!!daaaaaaaaaaaa~

p/s:i've no voice!!eh,umm..i did have!but only sometime and its so big voice..haha~wish me luck for final and re-test...daa....muahss..


Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Buat pertama kalinya parent aku bagi aku tido umah kawan. Itu pun sebab aku kena siapkan project English..(tapi x siap2 gak).. Pagi Selasa aku pergi umah diorg pastu letak beg and bebrg yg lain, then lepak2 jap baru pergi kelas. Pastu satu hari gak r kitorg kat kolej. Dlm pkol 6 lebih br kitorg smp rumah. Pas2 lpas maghrib aku ajak diorg mkn kat 'kandang'(UiTM sek U10, Puncak Perdana).. Smp sana aku mkn nasi goreng cendawan special..(xtau pe yg spesel..bese je..bwg bsar je bsar2 n byk..haha)..pas2 kitorg blk umah n stat wat slide utk presentation memasing..aku mmg standard r..mata cpat mrah..aku xtau nk wat slide, aku g edit radio drama utk English tu. Punya larr kitorg blk lmbt coz nk siapkan recording radio drama, last2 separuh dr record xde suara..HAMPESLUSS sggh!!so aku just edit yg ade je larr..Memasing dok layan buat kerja memasing..

Hisyhh!!nk final ni larr semua lecturer nk bg project!!tensen!!dlm pkol 2 pagi kitorg memasing da pening.last2 msk bilik yana coz blk yana tggl die sorg..aku,syira ngan tilla dok blk yana borak2..mula2 si yana dah bising ckp dia nk mati dah..die nk tido(coz pnat glerr) last2 borak2 n ktawa2 punya psl pkol 3 lbh br tido..haha..diorg suh aku tido katil ats aku xnk!!aku lbh rela tido ngan toto kat lantai je...kat umah pun katil aku xde function..aku dok tido kat bwh ngan laptop n buku2 aku je..haha~

Pagi tu aku t'bgn pukul 5 tp awal sgt.So, aku bantai tido blk..last2 pkol 7.45 br t'bgn..adesyh!!semua subuh gajah je..huhu~apa nk jd ntah anak dara neh..Seb bek klas pkol 12..(msk lmbt gak..lengah2 je keje)..kitorg msk klas 45 minit lewat..haha..pas2 abes klas semua kitorg blk umah n aku lpak umah diorg jap coz nk packing(nk balik!!)..Dlm pkul 7 aku kol umah n suh jemput kat Resak..Pas2 aku blk umah..Oh my!!giler best!!rindu gilerr kat mama n semua r..especially blk aku yg da berubah rupa hsl tgn mama aku (renovate sendiri r tu)..hehe~

ari ni aku nk tido umah diorg lg..pagi ni ada talk smp tgh hr..tgh hr ada presentation and mlm wat radio drama...sabtu ada re-test!!adoii~


Mentoring activity~



10 Februari 2009 is our last mentoring activity before final exam. Maybe after exam we will have a last activity for this semester. On 10 Feb, we all have a birthday party for all january' and february' birthday girls and boy. We are having a simple party at 3 in Anx 85(upstair) with TWO tiramisu cake. Urghh..I"m gettin fat!! Really..really fat~ Anyway, Happy Birthday to all of you my dear frenz....U are getting older my sis n bro..wahahax~last but not least...thanx 4 everything Mr. Ib~

If there's something that you're dreaming of then may it all come true, because you deserve it all...HAPPY BIRTHDAY.


Saturday, February 07, 2009

Happy Besday Cici~

Besday Gurl, Miss Suci Ameliya Reza

7/2/09...27th besday for cici(my dear sista). Papa lanje makan kat kenny rogers,setia alam..ingatkan family kitorg ngan family intan n calvin je..rupe2nye family awo n kak elin skali..lalala..sonok gilerr...ni antara gamba2 kat situ....

Lovely Couple Forever, Mr. & Mrs. ZaiRes

Tiramisu Cake & Some of the Guest.

Happy Family Eva~
(Eika, Cici, Papa, Me and Mama)

Me & Eika(lil sista)

p/s: yang xde dalam gamba ni..sowie larr eh..pnat nk upload..kne sikit2..nantok~huhu


Friday, February 06, 2009

Lab @ MSU vs enjoy @ Sek. 2~

Gamba2 melalot aku lagi..semua ni masa ari yang sama..abes kelas kitorg g makan kat seksyen 2 pas2 jalan2 kat tepi tasik..konon2 nk bg makanan tu hadam cepat..haha..kalau da g jenjln tu, for sure ade kamera..haha~so see this...

Bukit Cahaya Seri Alam vs MSU

Perghh..baru terasa nk upload gamba2 kat Bukit Cahaya ari tu..Da nk abes sem 2 da pown..final da dkat..tapi!!!!! aku still memaen..cam HAMPEH!! hmm..ni aku nk upload gamba2 ari tu..kalau upload semua meletop lak kang blog aku..wakaka..org g aktiviti mentoring kitorg dok snap pic..lalala~

p/s: untuk kengkawan yang nk tengok semua pic kat situ..view friendster or mespes je r eh..
